

Bangkit Academy 2023 Batch 2 Graduate (Led by Google, GoTo & Traveloka) Mobile Development (Android)
Student at Multi Data Palembang University, Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Informatics

Android Developer


Front End Web Developer

kotlin java js ts php py jetpackcompose vuejs reactjs nuctjs laravel tailwind flowbite bootstrap vuetify primevue

About Me

Hi Everyone !

Introduce myself, my name is Candra.

Personally, I am "Someone who doesn't give up easily". This reflects my personality which does not give up easily in facing various challenges, especially in the field of technology. I will complete each challenge step by step to achieve my goal.

I am a 10% Distinction Graduate of the Bangkit Academy 2023 Batch 2 - Mobile Development (Android) Learning Path program and I am a member of the Best 50 Product-based Capstone Project teams out of 639 existing Capstone Project teams. 🏅🏆

I have an interest in Mobile Development (Android) 📱 and Front End Web Developer 🌐. To develop my interests, I studied at Multi Data Palembang University. Here, I am taking the Informatics study program, at the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering. Currently, I am in the 7th Semester.

If you are interested in getting to know me, please connect

If you want to contact me further, you can contact me via
Thank You 🚀
© - Candra - Informatics Student